Andivatech offers services related to different aspects of the RF/MW energy applications, systems and components.
The service range includes consultancy, R&D, and engineering, and covers all stages of the product lifecycle:
Capturing of application/customer requirements and generating product propositions
System definition and quantitative system design
Development and engineering of end products and IP blocks: generators, applicators, impedance tuners, small-signal sources, power amplifiers, directional couplers, power combiners, etc, including the related control algorithms
Planning and management of the product development projects
Industrialization support, including development of test methods and equipment
Customer and application support
Generic and customized trainings and consultancy
AndivaTech is proficient in the development of RF/MW energy systems in large frequency band
(13MHz to 5.8GHz), and in number of application fields – industrial (heating, curing, tanning, cooking, sterilization), plasma generation, medical, etc.